I took a stroll around the partially mowed lawn, examining everything and imagining what life will be like when I can retire there. The Flowering Crabs on the south side of the house were a friendly omen:

These trees seem to have no aroma, but they sure are pretty:

And close up, they're even nicer:

I'd once planned to remove the goldfish pond altogether, but now that the tenants have planted all around it, I find it a pleasant oasis in a rural landscape. Besides, that would be a lot of stones to move! I think I'll keep it:

I opened my birthday gift from my sister which had been waiting for me, wrapped and boxed, since her visit in December. It was an iron lawn statue. But since I am seldom there and the place mostly belongs to the tenants for now, I set it up indoors by the dog food bowls:

I didn't like my lawn bird on the floor, so moved it up on top of the table. There, that's better except that it kind of looks like it has laid an egg. I'll have to move that jar that's beneath it. Wally was already sacked out for the night and it was time for me to cook dinner and get some sleep myself so we could return home in the morning:

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