I passed by this unidentified waterway/wetland on the left side of the road, admiring its beauty. And just past it I saw a small dirt lane, likely a wood road, entering the forest and of course turned onto it:

We drove along the wood road for a long way, paralleling the waterway and passing through a pine forest:

I eventually stopped to let us all out to investigate this new terrain. Daphne and Clover, the two young Papillons, ran right down to the water's edge but , thankfully, did not go in:

There were Trillium's in bloom all around:

I tried to keep the dogs from trampling the Trillium flowers. Notice the plant just in front of Seamus' big feet:

I followed Clover down to the water's edge to take a look for myself:

And I was rewarded with this pristine wilderness view:

And finally, my two favorite photos from the trip, both of them worthy of clicking on to get an enlarged view. In this one, Seamus, Wally and Winky walk together through the piney woods near our little red car:

And dear, sweet Wally enjoying himself in the forest with a blooming Trillium behind him and a blooming Lowbush Blueberry (the little waxy bell-flowers):

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