The pooches were ecstatic. This is what they live for. Well, it's ONE of the things they live for:

Lots of happy running by the dogs:
The soil looked like almost pure sand and there were mostly tall pines in the section we were walking. There was also plenty of Reindeer Lichen growing all over the ground. I found some British Soldier Lichens and Star Moss growing with it:

We followed another old wood road. The land was amazingly flat. On one side of the road the land had been logged off and had begun to grow up again. On the other side were tall pines, and that was the side which Seamus preferred:

We took several forays off the wood road and into the forest. There was very little brush, so walking was quite easy:

We found other areas of the forest which were mostly deciduous trees:

This was a very beautiful area and unlike anything I'd ever hiked before. We saw no other person or vehicle and seemed to have the entire forest to ourselves. I'm happy to report that we also saw no black flies. I'll post more tomorrow:

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