I stopped to take some photos and get a closer look while the dogs waited in the car:

Traveling on, we passed by a branch of the magnificent St. Regis River:

There was a massive amount of snow this winter and one of the rainiest springs on record, so the St. Regis was still a raging torrent:
And another section of the St. Regis River, this time with calmer waters, where the bird songs and northern winds can be heard:
A bit farther on, I saw a little dirt lane leading off the road onto State land. I'd stopped there before, but never went beyond the gate which blocked vehicular traffic. This time, the dogs and I all went for a long walk:

Little old Winky had trouble keeping up, but he was exceedingly happy and we waited for him when necessary:

We walked farther and farther. Surprisingly, the black flies didn't bother us. The scenery was wonderful and the birds filled the air with song:

We turned around and headed back to the car, but this isn't the end of the story. I'll post more tomorrow:

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