As we crossed the hay field, a glance back provided a nice view of the farm house and barn:

The woods ahead of us were beginning to leaf out and the Shadbush was in bloom:

The dogs were happy and full of fun. This is the sort of moment when dogs make such perfect companions:
When we reached the other side of the north hay field at the edge of the woods, the Shad-bush was at its peak of beauty. Spring was rather late this year and back at the farm house, neither Lilac nor Flowering Crab was yet beginning to bloom. This was Sunday, May 8:

A close up revealed the stunning white flowers:

The hay fields are marvelous places to take walks with the dogs when the grass is short, but it won't be too long before the vegetation is so high that we won't be walking across them again. Well, at least not until they've been cut:

We'd had our walk and it was time to return to the house. I had a lot of overgrown lawn to mow before we began the journey back home to Albany:

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