The fields were still brown but the mountaintop snow appeared to be melted. Spring had arrived in the Adirondacks:

We turned north on Route 30 as we continued on our way. I did not stop at Mountain Pond as I felt sure its access road would be flooded. But I did turn onto the entrance to the Hays Brook Horse Trail, knowing it was level and not too close to water. Alas, I found that it was also impassable:

Stymied once again, the dogs and I were anxious for a rest stop. And yes, that is indeed snow you see in front of the car:

So we kept driving and as the sky cleared, the Adirondack vistas opened up with great beauty before us:

I stopped to take a picture and you can almost read Daphne's mind in this photo. She seems to be wondering, "Where the heck is our rest stop?!?":

Route 458 took us to the end of the Adirondack Park. We were almost to the farm at that point. You can see Canada in the distance from here. If I can see another country from my house, does that qualify me to run for Vice-President?:

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