A local campsite was closed and the travel trailers parked there were mostly flooded:

A local house was flooded and its outdoor fireplace and furniture was about to float away:

I intended to drive farther along the Schroon River, but was stopped by water flooding the road. A State Trooper came by and also decided to go no farther. So I snapped a few pictures, got back onto the highway and resumed my journey northward:

When I exited the highway in the high peaks region, I discovered that Route 73 was closed due, of course, to more flooding. I had to get back onto the highway and drive north to the next exit. Fortunately, there were detour signs to direct me:

I had to exit the Northway at Exit 31, the Elizabethtown exit. From there we took Route 9N south to reconnect with Route 73 which would take us north up through the high peaks region. But the dogs needed a rest stop and so did I. When I saw an attractive pull-off along Route 9N on State land, I took it. It was a lovely woods near a small stream, now a raging torrent. I kept the dogs far away from it as we entered the forest:

Winky and Seamus trotted along the trail, sniffing everything:

Wally also was enjoying his mini-hike and pit stop:

All the dogs ran around sniffing and playing and emptying their bladders:

Seamus and Wally posed for a portrait shot:

Fergus was caught by surprise just as Daphne jumped over a log. Little Winky wasn't paying attention to anything except the fascinating smells near a small pine:

But of course this was only a rest stop. We soon had to load back up into the car and be on our way. I count the dogs over and over to be sure they're all there. I guess I've seen too many sitcoms where children get left behind at gas stations. But once I convinced myself that all six dogs were safe and in place, we resumed our journey:

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