But the scenery was as spectacular as always and we had the whole lake to ourselves:

The dogs are now quite used to these brief run/sniff/poop/pee breaks and their enthusiasm is remarkable:

After taking a break at Mountain Pond, we continued southward to the town of Brighton where a former hay field was being converted to a housing development. I turned up the construction road to take a look:

The views were fantastic, but I couldn't help but lament the loss of a hay field for expensive housing:

The utilities were in place, the lots were marked and some had already been sold. I suspect that building will be in progress by the next time I drive up to the farm:

And houses with views like this will surely not be cheap:

We continued on our way back toward Albany. When I saw that the little lakeside park along the Cascade Chain was free of snow and the steep access road passable, I turned in to give both the dogs and myself another rest stop. There was a mountain waterfall there to which I hoped to hike. You can see it in this picture if you click to enlarge it. I discovered the woods too muddy, however, so we never did climb up there:

We all jumped out of the car and headed into the woods. There were other people there also, but I managed to keep the dogs away and in the woods:

We walked across a small bridge toward the very nearby mountainside:

The time quickly arrived for us all to resume our journey southward, so I collected the dogs and once again made extra sure that all six were in the car with me (I've seen too many sitcoms of parents leaving a child behind at a gas station). I snapped one last photo and we were on our way back home:

I'm considering driving through the Adirondacks on route 3 in January on a road trip up the east coast and back to Niagara Falls. Is that feasible? Thank you!
ReplyDeleteRoute 3 through the Adirondacks is scenic and wild, but kept well plowed in the winter. You should be able to drive it without problem unless, of course, there is a big snow or ice storm. In that event, it may take them a day to get it all cleaned up. I used to drive up through the Adirondacks all through the winter and most of the time, it was not a problem. I did encounter a few big snow storms, and then it was much more difficult. I drove slowly and carefully, though, and made it. Google "new york state highway conditions" and you'll get options for checking the state of the highway before you leave.