When I arrived at my farm I took note of the sign my new Amish neighbor had placed on the telephone pole:

He's an industrious man who has fashioned himself a farm out of what was solid forest less than a year ago. He's been selling firewood and now is offering his expertise with horses. I haven't met him yet, but have seen him hard at work as I drive by his place:

I showed the farm house to a nice young couple who seemed to want to rent it and then settled in for the night with my dogs:

It had been a very long and frustrating day. I was tired and so, apparently, were the pooches:

Daphne found her place on the bed and Winky snoozed on a floor pillow while I made dinner for myself:

Wally just likes to be out of the way. I'd eventually lift him up onto the bed to spend the night:

Clover has her own floor pillow which she considers her own:

Seamus and Fergus are inseparable and happy as long as they're together:

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