There was a monument there, not to fallen soldiers or pioneers, but to the mountains themselves which have made the town of Newcomb what it is. I was at the monument when I snapped this photo of yet more high peaks:

And when I turned and faced the other way, I saw two of Newcomb's churches. It was a Sunday morning, after all:

As I drove out of the town, I passed this cemetery with its stone walls. I found it quite a lovely scene and stopped to snap a picture of it. Just then, a state trooper was passing by and stopped to ask if I was in trouble:

As the highway climbs up into the mountains as it leaves the town of Newcomb, more peaks and more lakes can be seen through the trees along the highway:

Climbing ever higher, the road becomes more scenic:

Mountains all around, still with a bit of autumn color:

Notice the peak in the distance. It's already covered with snow. Winter is near at hand:

Beauty all along the roadside:

I passed this small flock of wild turkeys alongside the road, then stopped and backed up to take a picture. It appeared to me that two males were displaying and squabbling, fighting for dominance. Apparently they were too preoccupied to worry about the strange man with the camera and the car full of dogs. The turkey with the big tail appeared to be the winner:

This is social interaction in the world of wild turkeys:

I stayed and watched long enough for them to begin to get nervous about my intentions. One by one, they began to slip back into the woods and I continued on my way: