Friday, October 7, 2016

Around The Farm

The Rugosa Roses produced lots of ripe, red rose hips:

And my "baby chicks" grew into bantam chickens. Alas, almost all of them were roosters:

One of the flowering crab trees produced a bumper crop of berries which I thought were even more beautiful than the spring flowers:

Something, and I'm guessing it was a chipmunk (because they've invaded my barn), chewed into a bag of grain and made a mess. I had to start keeping all grain in plastic bins:

My old hens, the Barred Rock bantams, made nests for their eggs in the hay inside the barn. Alas, their egg production declined more and more, almost down to nothing. They won't lay many more eggs now until spring:

They roam all over the property, searching for food:

The youngsters developed into lovely birds, though all but a few will have to become dinners:

The youngsters liked to hang out at the old silo base at the north end of the barn:

The autumn flowers burst into bloom and produced such lovely displays as this all along the roadsides:

The autumn flowers were mostly Goldenrod:

And New England Asters:

And Small White Asters. Autumn had already become beautiful and the trees hadn't yet turned their vivid colors. But I knew it wouldn't be much longer before the trees added to the beauty:

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