Alas, one of the lessons I learned was that a flock of chickens, however small and adorable, who hang out on the step in front of the barn door will poop so much as to make entering and exiting a distinct problem:
They learned to scratch, search for bugs and eat grass:
At first they wouldn't leave their coop so I put them out each day, one at a time. Then they went out by themselves but I had to catch and put them back, one at a time. But finally they learned:
I did a lot of fence work around both fields. The view across the hay fields toward the house and barn was one of the payoffs for getting outside and doing the work:
I had to haul pruned limbs and other brush back into the woods with the tractor:
And toward the end, I had to weed-whack the entire perimeter of both fields, a seemingly endless job. Here, you can see a section of trimmed fence line and then a section of untrimmed, just ahead of the tractor:
And this is what happens when weed-whacking thousands of feet of fence line:
But far out in the field working in a natural setting surely has its benefits:
I also had a lot of mowing and weed-whacking to do for the lawn area:
And once again, the payoff for doing it was a kind of rural, comfortable beauty - the kind which seems to put the mind and soul at rest:
And here is a very brief video of the chickens doing their thing:
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