Little Bugsy, now neutered, found a cough drop wrapper on the floor and played with it for hours:
I took the dogs for a ride and stopped along Lake Ozonia, just south of me, to snap this photo:
The white fantail pigeons, who went all summer long without reproducing, began nesting in the autumn. The last successful hatching were these two in a nest built of feathers on the floor:
An older nest of one baby, high up on a narrow shelf, was developing nicely:
I bought Georgette a new bed to use on the kitchen table because she insisted on spending her days there. This happy scene, with Seamus looking on and Bramble snoozing on a chair in the background, was on a typical autumn afternoon:
The dogs still enjoyed much time in their fenced back yard:
The cattle spent almost two weeks in the north field, where I got to see them all day, every day as the leaves behind them turned brilliant colors and then began to fall. They'd eaten just about all the grass by the end of that period and I moved them back across the road into the south field with the horses:
I was out in the south field when I took this photo, looking northeast across the gravel road to the north field. That bale feeder is now being kept filled with hay:
We had two days of cold, autumn rain and this was the northeastern sky on the morning of the first day. As they say, "Red sky in morning, sailors take warning:"
But at the same time, we had a pink and blue sky with a rainbow in the northwestern sky:
I dug PeeWee's old bed out of a closet and brought it downstairs for Georgette. Then, after she got a new bed, I put the old one down for the other dogs and cats. As you can see, it was a big hit with Bramble, Clover and Bugsy:
The Rugosa roses put on a spectacular display of color as they began to slow down for winter:
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