Friday, November 15, 2013

Golden Roads Of Autumn

I was lamenting the end of colorful leaf season and the dropping of most deciduous leaves until I took a shortcut via Converse Road on my way to Potsdam. Everything was golden and lovely, so I got out my camera and took a few pictures:

I kept my camera out and snapped photos every so often. There may not have been any reds, but the golds, mostly maples, were incredible:

I crested a small rise and the colors got more vivid:

And the maples grew older and more stately:

It was all so lovely that I decided to take a longer driving tour in search of autumn's last gasp of glorious golds:

I found this incredible farm field, split rail fence and golden trees on Days Mill Road, somewhere between Hopkinton and Nicholville:

More outrageous orange, also on Days Mill Road:

I returned to Converse Road in Fort Jackson where I snapped a picture of this farm, surrounded by golden maple trees:

And then I turned down a narrow lane which was a sort of back road into the Fort Jackson Town Park:

And back up onto Converse Road, where I saw farm fences, gates and maple syrup hoses running between trees:

A small herd of Holstein heifers was excitedly eating their morning grain up on that small rise:

And then I began to head home again, taking one last golden photo. But I had enough photos for two blog posts, so you'll see another autumn leaf post tomorrow:

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