Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hopkinton Summer Festival, Part 1

I arrived at the farm on Sunday afternoon and unpacked the car. I let the dogs out into their fenced yard and then made them comfortable so that I could hop back into the car drive to Hopkinton where their Summer Festival was in its final day. The tractor pulls were Sunday afternoon and I wanted to see them:

The actual contests had not yet begun but there were hundreds of folks watching and preparing for the event. There were more tractors than I'd ever seen in one place, including small, older ones:

And big, powerful ones. This tractor was preparing the field for the pulling competition which was about to begin:

Guys were unloading their tractors and revving the motors:

And hundreds of folks watched along the sidelines. Lots of beer was being consumed on that hot day:

They were preparing the ground and I imagined the tractor pulls would begin at any moment. An announcer was greeting everyone over a (very) loudspeaker:

I imagined that the competition soil would be compacted after it was harrowed:

There were motorcycles and rescue squads:

And every conceivable type of tractor:

A fire truck began spraying the recently harrowed soil as the crowd watched:

Other folks milled around and talked with friends:

More tractors arrived. I was enjoying the show even though the real show had not yet begun. I'll post more about it tomorrow:

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