I arrived at the farm for my first visit in a month, the first time since the new tenants moved in. I was pleased to discover the lawns were mowed and bird feeders were everywhere. They'd placed a hummingbird feeder next to the goldfish pond and the hummingbirds were busy feeding there. They were wary, though, and I never got a photo of them:
The south hay field was quite tall and lush. I was glad it hadn't been cut yet so the birds nesting there had a chance to finish their breeding season. Things were looking good:

The barn looks good from this angle because it has been sided. Alas, the rest of it is not so pretty. So I'll just keep taking pictures of this side:

I walked out to the south hay field and looked back toward the farm house. Rain clouds were rolling in and looking threatening. This is, after all, big sky country and watching clouds is quite an interesting hobby here. And later that night, when the clouds had gone, the sky was filled with stars and the milky way was - well, milky:

Remember the patch of mystery plants which looked sort of like raspberries, but not exactly? Well, the tenants found out last summer that they are indeed (thorn-free) raspberries and produced a remarkably abundant crop. It looked to me this past weekend that the new tenants will soon be eating raspberries also:

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