The trail up Azure Mountain had become seriously steep and both Seamus and I were panting and taking frequent rests. But we continued upward, on our way to see the summit of Azure Mountain. I took far fewer photos than usual during this part of the hike because I was focused on hauling my aging body uphill without hurting myself:

I stopped for a photo with Fergus and Daphne:
The trail was so seriously steep that Seamus finally decided that he could go no farther. He plopped himself down on the trail and panted. Out of concern for his welfare and because I was feeling similarly, I sat down and we all took a long rest. I had a water bottle with me and squirted water in his throat every now and then, a refresher which Seamus seemed to appreciate:

Daphne was still full of happy energy, but those of us with more body weight and accumulated years needed a rest:

But we all recovered and resumed our ascent. On the exceedingly steep parts I had to use both my hands and feet to keep moving upward:

I was beginning to think, with some embarrassment, that I might have to turn back without making it to the summit when just above us I glimpsed the fire tower. My first thought was that it was shorter than most, with fewer flights of stairs. This occasioned both disappointment and relief in me - disappointment that it might not provide a magnificent view and relief that I would have fewer steps to climb:

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