The dogs and I were on our way once again up to the farm and traveling through the beautiful Adirondack Park. When we turned onto Route 30, I began watching for the sign indicating the Hayes Brook Horse Trail, another favorite rest stop. I parked my car and the dogs all jumped out, running excitedly into the forest and sniffing everything:
Winky and Wally, both getting slower as they age, stayed together as they moved at their own speed. The youngsters could run wildly along the forest path if they wanted, but Wally and Winky had more mature thoughts and interests:

Daphne And Clover were, as always, full of fun and excitement. Life is a great joy for them and they investigate the world with such enthusiasm that it's difficult to not feel likewise:

I found another patch of Whorled Loosestrife, Lysimachia quadrifolia, along the trail, a beautiful plant and a flower I only discovered this year:

Winky was not moving very fast and we had to wait for him, but he seemed so happy about it all that it was a pleasure to have him along:

Seamus has such long legs that he can arrive almost anywhere ahead of the rest of us if he chooses to. Mostly though, he's happy to walk calmly along, thinking deep doggy thoughts and contemplating the world as he experiences it:
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