Sunday, July 6, 2014

County Route 52 and County Route 6 - Part 2

I was taking a driving tour of rural County Route 52 and enjoying it very much. This home still had a Santa and his reindeer atop their arbor gateway:

Like nearly all the homes, this place was neat, trim and well kept:

This older home had lots of blue:

Set way back behind tall trees:

I passed through long sections of forested land:

And then saw a sign which explained that I was in the Brasher State Forest:

I saw more homes set back behind giant, old trees. At the time, I paid no attention to what species of tree they were, but now, looking at the photo, I'd guess they were Cottonwoods:

And wetlands:

And more forests:

The road passed from St. Lawrence County into Franklin county, thereby also turning from Route 52 to Route 6:

There were still no farms except for one Amish farm where I couldn't take any pictures because the whole family was out. But the small town homes continued to be lovely:

Trees and green lawn surrounded everything. But there was still more to see, so I'll post Part 3 tomorrow:

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