Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Part 4 - Lovely, Rural Pickle Street

I was driving the length of Pickle Street between Winthrop and Potsdam. The homes took on a less rural and more suburban look as I neared Potsdam:

There was an A-Frame:

And modern, suburban type homes behind Maple trees:


And nicely tended lawns surrounding nice, modern homes:

Indeed, the old agricultural look of Pickle Street was giving way to more suburban sights - not that they were any less beautiful:

There was an ancient cemetery with no sign, although the lawn was well kept and a flag flew proudly above the gravestones:

Another home which may or may not have been occupied. Sometimes it was hard to tell:

A modern suburban ranch, another American flag:

And - OH, NO! Look at that collection of snow shovels beneath that giant White Pine. This was a reminder that I was indeed still in the north country and winter was already looming, even in midsummer:

White fencing and lots of doors. Was this a duplex?:

But I eventually arrived at the highway and turned toward the village of Potsdam. Pickle Street had proven to be a scenic treasure and I was glad I had found it. I hope you enjoyed it also:

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