Saturday, May 5, 2012

Beginning A Weekend At The Farm

When we arrived at the farm, my first concern was to inspect the progress of the barn reconstruction. It wasn't finished but was beginning to look terrific. The west view:

From the southwest:

And from the southeast. This was were the horrible old ramshackle sheds used to "stand." The contractors were next supposed to brace the roof rafters and coat the rusty steel panels with aluminum roof coating but hadn't begun that yet:

It was late and I settled in with the dogs for the night. We all got comfortable as it had been a long day:

Clover really luxuriated in front of the gas heater, turning herself upside down to warm her belly. She rolled back over as if embarrassed when I went to take her picture:

The next morning I wanted to go hiking, so I loaded the four younger dogs back into the car and headed south. Both Daphne and Clover were fascinated by a flock of wild turkeys in a neighboring corn field along the way. Did they wonder what they were, want to chase them, think they'd make fun playmates?:

I was unsure where I planned to hike but had at least decided to begin along Blue Mountain Road. As you can see, the day was beautiful and the skies were clear. I'd have to decide on a hiking trail soon, but I'll post more about that tomorrow:

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