The trail eventually brought us to a sharp drop-off. This indeed seemed interesting, so I walked over to take a closer look:

The cliff was steep and the terrain heavily forested, but it allowed a spectacular view out over the Catskill Mountains which were beginning to take on their autumn colors:

The most distant mountain ranges barely show in these photos, but they were there and I could see out over the Catskill Mountains for many miles:

This scenic overlook wasn't even listed on the trail map, so apparently the vantage points on ahead would be even more beautiful. But I was enjoying the moment - the lovely views, the autumn colors, the aromas of the wilderness. And I was keeping an eye on the puppies to keep them away from the edge of the cliff:

If the Catskills were already this colorful, I imagine the Adirondacks will be even more spectacular the next time I drive up to the farm:

On the ledge below the drop-off were piles of flat stones. These stones had been littered along the forest floor and trail since we left the trail head. But in this spot, someone had spent a lot of time building what appeared to be a foundation and square pillars:

But it was time for me to get back to hiking. So after a bit of silly play with Fergus, I resumed my journey:

I passed a spot where some predator had killed and eaten a bird, leaving only gray feathers on the flat stones of the trail. I didn't take a picture but wondered what the predator might be and what the gray bird might be. We continued onward through the Catskill forest:

Blue Cohosh was abundant and full of berries:

Seamus stopped for a breather:

But Fergus and the puppies never ran out of energy. I mostly insisted that Fergus walk at heel, but every so often I'd allow him to run ahead and play:

And at one point, I took a video of the silly puppy play which was occurring in the forest:
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