A few high peaks were visible whenever I passed an open section:

I drove through the tiny, old fashioned town of Bloomingdale. Notice the mountains straight ahead. I felt almost transported back in time to the 50s - and I liked it very much:

There were no more towns of any kind for a long way, but the scenery was terrific:

With views such as this and no one else on the road, I figured I was having a deluxe experience:

I eventually arrived at Franklin Falls Pond and stopped to let the dogs out. Seamus, Daphne and Clover trotted immediately down to the water:

And what beautiful water it was:

I enjoyed the serenity and scenery while the dogs explored:

We'd all been in the car for quite a while and there were no other people anywhere, so I lingered. I'll post more about Franklin Falls Pond tomorrow:

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