And once again I was driving on a "dirt" road through the wilds of the Adirondacks. I was surprised to see this sign telling me that I was on the old Port Kent to Hopkinton Turnpike. This same sign is posted along the road I take from my farm down into the Adirondack Park. I checked Google maps and learned that Port Kent is on the western shore of Lake Champlain and is about 90 miles from Hopkinton. Hopkinton, you may remember, is the one of the nearest settlements to my farm. So in driving those back roads, many of them narrow gravel roads, I was taking the turnpike much of the way between Hopkinton and Port Kent, New York. The turnpike was built between 1829 and 1832:

I passed a few more homes along the way, this one in particular looking very inviting to me with its profusion of flowers:

And this old farm house with barns and stone foundation:

As I drove deeper into the forest, the signs of human habitation became scarcer, ending with this humble camp:

And then we were again in Adirondack wilderness:

Marshes and ponds abutted the road, all with mountains in the distance. I had only to step out of the car to take a picture. There was no other traffic at all, so I didn't even need to pull off the road. It was a good thing I didn't need to, as there were no shoulders on most of the road. But the scenery was superb:

Water, wilderness and mountains everywhere. Heaven could hardly be so beautiful as the Adirondacks in August. In January, it might be said to more closely resemble the proverbial hell frozen over:

So I stopped in the middle of the road and recorded this simple, quiet video:
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