And as always, the dogs' favorite spot is the corner of the farm house kitchen:
Bramble shows up everywhere, but I thought he looked especially stunning near the big chainsaw bear and the tiny RCA dog:
Another kitchen corner collection of dogs - and, in this case, one cat:
Snoozey has always refused to eat canned cat food but had become so feeble that and thin that I tried again. This time he ate it, so I began feeding him two meals each day, up on top of the kitchen table, using a boot tray to catch the dribbled cat food he left behind. I had to stand guard to keep the other cats and dogs from helping themselves to Snoozey's cat food, but it was worth it because the old gentleman has perked up considerably:
All five dogs plus Bramble:
Dixie, the guinea pig, who lives upstairs in my bedroom:
Chirpy, the parakeet, Dixie's next door neighbor:
All five dogs plus Draco and Bramble:
The cats stay indoors, but the dogs also get to go outdoors, into their fenced yard:
And when the dogs decide they want back inside the house, they are not subtle about it:
Ah, the comfortable life of a household pet:
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