Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Happy Pets At Home

The dogs and cats have all been warm and comfy this autumn, lounging about on soft beds as the weather deteriorated outdoors:

Georgette got brave and began coming downstairs to sit on the kitchen table and beg for attention:

Clover again began resting on Seamus' broad, soft back:

Draco likes to be everywhere there are people and to get into the middle of any activity:

Georgette has continued to spend much time in her beloved top tier of the tallest cat tree:

The dogs enjoy sleeping together in the corner of the farm house kitchen:

And they get to spend time outdoors in their fenced yard when the weather is good enough:

All five dogs together. There often are cats mixed in with them, but not on this day:

Daphne, Clover and Fergus:

Draco atop the dog food bin, guarding my shoes:

A typical nap or bedtime scene. Jack is not in the picture because he was standing at my feet, hoping I'd take him with me if I was leaving the room (I wasn't):

Another picture of Georgette on her cat tree? Indeed, it's a familiar sight here. She greets me as I enter or leave my bedroom. Her intent is to be petted and I can't even go to the bathroom in the middle of the night without passing her and giving Georgette a bit of attention:

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