Saturday, July 9, 2016

Sheldon Road Multi-Use Trail - Part 1

I drove by this newly erected sign one day and stopped to investigate. A number of trucks and bulldozers were building a new, multi-use trail off of Sheldon Road. A few weeks later I returned with the dogs to give it a try:

It was a hot, sunny day with lots of pesky deer flies, but they weren't biting, so we pressed onward:

The terrain was flat with huge boulders, no doubt glacial erratics, indicating the retreating glaciers had once scraped this area flat and then left behind "gravel" as they melted:

The ferns were even taller than Seamus, and he's a giant of a dog:

It was a fine day to be outdoors:

And the dogs ran and played, investigating everything:

Seamus sometimes acts as the leader, mostly because of his size:

But it is tiny Clover who is almost always out front. In fact, I have to keep calling her back so she doesn't get too far ahead:

About a half mile into the forest, the trail made a sharp left:

And entered a forest of younger trees. This area was probably a farm field not too long ago. But it was cooler in there and we enjoyed the shade. I'll post Part 2 tomorrow:

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