Sunday, March 3, 2013

Kellogg, New York - Part 2

I was discovering the tiny settlement (I'm not sure it was even big enough to be called a hamlet) of Kellogg, New York. I saw large farm houses, all fixed up and looking almost suburban:

One story homes with garages:

Old barns:

Another home with Christmas decorations still up:

I couldn't tell if this home was old or new, but it looked both sturdy and welcoming:

This home was definitely of newer construction, but the old style fence gave it a classic appearance:

A green home:

And a real farm, where they'd been clearing cedars and turning them into fence posts:

An unusual brick home with tall, narrow windows:

And a barn with greenhouses. Kellogg was much more substantial than I'd have guessed. But I had more small, country settlements to see, so I drove on and will post more tomorrow:

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