Friday, November 20, 2015

Hazen Road, Town Of Moira

I was taking a driving tour of rural Moira, New York and had just come to the end of Alburg Road (see previous posts). I turned onto Hazen Road and passed this simple home, surrounded by farm fields. It looked to me like a quintessential "little house on the prairie:"

This elaborate barn sat back behind cattails and large bails of hay:

A silo (behind the spruce trees) and several small barns:

A farm house with lots of pumpkins:

A red barn, grain bin and silo:

A busy cluster of barns, equipment and silo. In fact, the road ended at this farm and I had to turn around in its driveway:

I drove on past where I'd begun on Hazen Road and continued my tour, enjoying the lovely rural scenery:

This old barn had a sunflower painted on its door:

Well fed Holsteins lounged comfortably near a farm pond:

And in many places, the cornfields grew right up alongside the road. My windows were down and I could hear the cornstalks and leaves rustling as I passed:

Hazen Road was a small road and I soon arrived at a larger, county road. This prosperous farm was near the intersection:

I turned onto the county road but then quickly pulled over to take one last photo with my camera pointed back toward Hazen Road:

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