And then the other dogs followed. As for me, I was dreading getting started as it was a lot steeper than it looks here and I was, after all, an old codger with injured ankle tendons:
Here, maybe this will help show how steep it was. Nearly at the top, I stopped to snap a photo of the dogs. They'd been on top for a long time but kept coming back to see what was taking me so long:
Once we were on level ground again (well sort of level), we began following the trail back through the forest:
Madeline smiled for the camera:
The trail took us back along the cliffs above the St. Regis River:
Clover and Daphne, as usual, had a propensity for walking right to the edge. But they were easily dissuaded with just a word from me:
Clover struck a pose for a glamor shot. It might come in handy the next time a movie producer is looking for a sexy starlet:
And then we crossed back over the little tributary. Madeline had figured out by then that she could cross the rocks and didn't need to swim again:
All the dogs crossed on the rocks except for Seamus, who loves the water:
Fergus, however, slipped and got wet. I almost slipped, but kept a hold on the rocks and logs as I crossed. I'm no young whippersnapper any more. At this point our car was just ahead and we were in it and seated comfortably in short order. But a quick look at the map gave me another idea. I'll post about that tomorrow:
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