Snoozey again, but this time with Clover and her rawhide chewie:
This cat tree is only a month or two old, but it's already looking pretty ragged. They sure do enjoy it. In this photo are, top to bottom - Draco, Bramble and Snoozey:
The two "Silly Sisters," Daphne and Clover:
This time the cat tree held four out of five of my cats (Georgette doesn't fraternize - or would that be called "caternize?"). From top to bottom they are Bramble, Draco, Rocky and Snoozey. Madeline and Winky are looking on:
Up at the farm house, on the kitchen's floor pillows are Clover, Seamus, Daphne, Madeline and Fergus:
Snoozey got a kiss and an ear lick from Draco:
Totally adorable! It always amazes me how animals can get along like that.