Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Franklin County Fair - Goats And Cattle

It had been several years since I attended the Franklin County Fair in Malone, New York, so one morning I drove there to take a look. I began in the Goat Barn, which pleased me greatly because when I used to raise goats, few fairs showed them at all. Now they've become so popular that there is a designated Goat Barn:

Alpine goats, the kind I used to raise:

Nubian goats, with the floppy ears. Goats are so friendly that it was difficult to snap photos. They were quickly up in my face, begging for attention and I had to take my pictures quickly, before they got to me:

I was a little late snapping this photo of the friendly Nubians:

Happy youngsters:

Next I went into the cattle barns. I had read that the barns had been emptied on Wednesday and they'd begun showing "Colored Breeds" on Thursday. Since there were no Holsteins in sight, I decided that "colored breeds" meant any dairy cattle but Holsteins. Apparently beef cattle were shown previously, at the same time as the Holsteins:

There were lots of heifers:

Beautiful animals, which at first I thought were smallish Brown Swiss. Later I decided they were more likely dark colored Jerseys:

And an army of young people was busy keeping everything spotless:

A cow pie scarcely hit the floor before someone forked it up:

Outside, people were bathing their cows. The animals seemed to enjoy it:

This was such a nice scene that I asked if I could take her picture: a girl and the Jersey she had raised:

This girl heard me talking to the other girl and ran over to her special cow so I could take her picture too. But we were just getting started, and I'll post Part 2 tomorrow:

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