Sunday, January 9, 2011

Christmas Afternoon At The Farm

It was a snowy Christmas afternoon and I was up at the farm with the dogs. The younger four of them had taken a hike with me across the north hay field and into the woods:

We all explored, me by sight and the dogs mostly by sniffing:

Everything was quiet except for our crunching through the crusty snow and jingling of dog tags as we moved:

We walked farther and farther, but parallel to the fence line so that we never were in any danger of getting lost or seriously trespassing:

These four dogs have done enough hiking together to have formed a bond. But even so, there are two subgroups, the Papillons and the Poodles:

We emerged from the woods back into the hay field:

And beneath darkening skies, we began our trek back to the farm house:

With a bit of puppy playfulness along the way:

Clover is almost grown now and beginning to fill out. She's quite a handsome girl:

But it was getting late in the afternoon and the light was fading fast. So we went back to the farm apartment to spend our Christmas evening:

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