Thursday, January 24, 2013

Wintry Beauty On County Route 51

I  was driving on County Route 51 when I realized the enormous beauty all around me. I stopped frequently to appreciate it (heaven knows, there wasn't much traffic to worry about), but I also grabbed my camera to share it with you:

The snow had sugar coated everything. It had turned leafless trees, bushes and vines into works of art. I may have been an audience of only one, but I was appreciative:

All along the road I saw wintry beauty:

Filigreed nature at its finest:

The woods had been transformed into beckoning wonderlands:

I began to see fields behind the trees:

And old abandoned farm fields beginning to return to forest:

I spotted a small herd of horses and was particularly taken by the little white pony on the left:

There were quite a few horses, and all seemed happy and contented:

I passed by some snow covered pines:

And the understory trees seemed to have taken on extra layers of snow:

One last conifer - I can't tell what kind from the photo - and I put my camera away. I hope you enjoyed the beauty along this country road. I sure did.

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