Thursday, June 14, 2018

What's Happening Around The Farm

Remy has been pretty good about keeping his grazing muzzle on. This prevents him from binging on the high-sugar spring grasses which cause a malady called Grass Founder. Blue has been much more resistant to keeping his on, and he sometimes limps slightly on his front hooves. The battle continues:

In other horsey news, the woman down the road stopped by again with her two big work horses:

Her homemade wagon embarrassed her a bit, but I thought it was inventive. Besides, her jumpy horses were a bigger concern, especially when a neighbor's dog ran out barking:

I continued feeding Elvis twice each day, and had to double the amount he was getting:

One purple Iris began the June blooming extravaganza (now I need to get rid of the Thistle behind it before it blooms also):

The Bridal Veil Spirea put on a good show this year:

They are beautiful close-up also:

Last year's Variegated Weigela is doing well and produced some nice flowers this year:

Of course with leaves like this, flowers are not really necessary:

And my Snowball bushes, given to me by a friend shortly before his death, are spectacular this year:

This big, ugly weed almost got pulled last year - but then I noticed that there were two of them, located where I'd planted an odd plant called Blue Sea Holly. This year, it appears that I will get to see some flowers:

The purple Iris began to bloom en masse, and I knew that spring had turned into early summer - with much more to come:

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