Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Part 1 - Snell, Brigham Hill And Taylor Roads

The severity of the winter weather eased off a bit, and I decided it would be a good day for a driving tour of some local road. I headed out toward Route 11B, only to be stopped by this small herd of deer. They weren't afraid of me until I aimed a camera at them. Then they fled toward the trees:

I drove east on Route 11B to Snell Road and turned left, where I encountered this snowy field filled with hay bales and farm equipment:

There was a hay rake, parked in the snow and waiting for next year's hay season:

Trailer, hay wagon and other equipment:

I continued on Snell Road through the woods, passing this travel trailer, parked back in the trees. I guessed that it was someone's deer camp:

I arrived at this lovely home and a sign which said the road, from that point on, was a seasonal road and not maintained in the winter. In other words, Snell Road had only one house on it. So I returned to Route 11B in search of another road to investigate:

Snell Road had been in the town of Dickinson, and I next turned onto Brigham Hill Road in the town of Moira (pronounced moe-EYE-ra):

Brigham Hill Road was classic farm country, as rural as could be:

There were woods and hay fields:

And more farm equipment parked out in a snowy field, just waiting for next year's rush to get the hay in:

I passed this old out building which apparently had not been used in many years. But there was lots more to see, and I'll post Part 2 tomorrow:

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