Monday, June 10, 2013

Traveling Blue Ridge Road, An Adirondack Scenic Bonanza

I'd just left Frontier Town, where the dogs had had a fun rest stop. I next traveled up Blue Ridge Road, headed for the town of Newcomb. Blue Ridge Road is a scenic treasure indeed. The first stop was the Adirondack Buffalo Company, surrounded by mountains:

I stopped to see the bison which were quite close to the road on that day:

But I didn't go inside and buy any meat. I just enjoyed the scenery for a moment and then continued on my way:

The dogs waited in the car while I snapped pictures. That beautiful home across the road belongs to the owners of the buffalo farm and that's a miniature covered wagon behind the pickup truck:

C'mon, Dad. Can we get moving again?:

We continued climbing higher on Blue Ridge Road, but I stopped to snap a photo of this magnificent, historic barn:

And the Papillons liked it too:

I'd planned to give the dogs a rest stop at the top of the mountain by the Bog River, but found people camping there when I arrived:

So I pulled into the forest across the road from there and let the dogs out:

We couldn't go far, but enjoyed the forest while we we could:

Winky had slowed down a lot lately and Wally had just died the previous day, so I determined to get a photo of his cute little face in a natural setting. He looked so happy to be out in the forest that I'm very glad I got this picture. Winky died the next morning and was buried near the fence in the north hay field:

Fergus and Seamus eyed the forest, the Papillons ran around like little imps and then we continued on our way:

1 comment:

  1. Love your postings, you have tap into secrets of life not many people can do that.


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