Remy likes to dig in the snow, which leaves him with a white nose:
The cows enjoy the wasted hay, using it as bedding, and I have found a scene like this the perfect opportunity to spray fungicide on Gracie's two bald spots. I can often get them sprayed faster than she can stand up. If she's already standing when I go out, she knows what I'm up to and skedaddles:
Remy seems to feel some real affection for the cows, though I think they merely tolerate him:
Blue doesn't seem to feel the same affection for the bovines which Remy does. Notice Rocket and Scarlett behind him, with Scarlett giving me the stink-eye. She's very protective of her baby:
The compost pile behind this collection of animals grows each time I clean the barn. Of course it will shrink as it composts. If you look closely, you can see the small, dark pile which is all that's left of the previous year's compost:
The 27 fantail pigeons are lively and I expect they will reproduce this year:
They are friendly to me and unafraid:
Many of them are already paired up, though some apparently are not:
These three Easter Egger bantam hens add a bit of color to the mostly Barred Rock bantam flock:
It's a shame I can't let them out anymore, but the foxes kill them so fast that I've given up:
My Christmas Cactus has been blooming, on and off, since Thanksgiving. Apparently it is a very happy plant:
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