I was impressed by Main Street and its well kept buildings except that it appeared many, perhaps most, were empty:
Another commercial building which also appeared to be empty. There might have been an apartment on the second floor, judging only by the window shades:
Almost at the end of Main Street was this friendly looking pub:
Main Street ended at St. Lawrence Avenue, which ran right along the river. I turned right at this town pavilion, clearly a place for picnics and other gatherings on the river shore:
St. Lawrence Ave. was lined with historic homes, mixed with some new homes:
You can see a bit of the St. Lawrence River behind this nice brick house:
I came to the end of St. Lawrence Ave, where there was a park and open land for public use. Of course everything was ice and snow, but I could easily imagine how beautiful it would be in the summertime:
This, of course, is not my photo. It came from the internet to illustrate the bass and carp fishing tournaments which are held in Waddington during the summer:
I turned back the other direction on St. Lawrence Ave and was dreaming of life on these beautiful shores, living in these well kept homes:
The True Value Hardware, Do It Center, Lumber and Builder's Supply, also on St. Lawrence Ave., seemed to be doing a good business:
There were some impressive homes:
And all the homes were well kept and beautiful. I had more to see in Waddington, and I'll post Part 3 tomorrow:
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