Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Summer's Beauty Around The Farm

On days like this, I am reminded how blessed I am to live in such a scenic, friendly place:

The Rugosa Roses put on an impressive show just outside the dogs' yard. That's Seamus inside the fence, watching me:

The bigger Ninebark bloomed nicely this year, though clearly the colorful leaves are the main attraction. The small Ninebark is still struggling:

The old fashioned rose bloomed well also, even though there are plenty of dead branches from last year's fungus infection:

And the Mock Orange was downright spectacular:

The fantail pigeons seem happy and comfortable. Only one baby has lived long enough to leave the nest. That's it at the bottom of the photo. It looks like he or she will make it to maturity:

Several pigeon couples are still tending to their eggs:

Not all the eggs hatch, though, and not all the babies live:

Is this a dead chicken? No, it's Blondie taking a dust bath. Such dust baths are a favorite with chickens and since they can no longer get outside, they tend to such activities indoors:

All eleven hens are doing well and producing eggs, which I hard boil and feed to the dogs:

They have a number of nest boxes but all prefer this one. It is the biggest and highest, which apparently appeals to them:

One Sunday I cut some Iris, Mock Orange and Ninebark flowers to take to church. When I got home again, I put the vase on the kitchen counter where, amazingly, the cats never knocked it over:

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