Thursday, October 29, 2015

October Harvest

You've seen photos of the corn field across the road from my house. Well, one morning they were harvesting the kernels and I opened my upstairs window to record the process. It made for pretty scenery, with the horses and cattle next door and the colorful trees in the background. The harvester took down eight rows at a time, stripping the kernels from the cobs and shredding the stalks and leaves:

You may have noticed, in the previous video, that the harvester was not shooting any golden corn kernels into the collector wagon. In this video, it begins at about the halfway mark:

In this third video, the collector wagon dumps its corn kernels into the waiting truck. It was a three person operation, with one operator for each vehicle. The truck driver, I noticed, had his small child along for the ride. The truck left with a load about every fifteen minutes, so they pulled a lot of corn out of that field in short order:

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