
Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Red Poll Cattle In September

We've had comfortably cool, sunny weather and the pasture is growing faster than the cattle can eat it. Winston has grown so big that I need to make plans to sell him. That involves getting him into the barn and then trapping him there - but not before I have a buyer lest he refuse to ever go in there again:

 As you can see, these bovines have not been missing any meals and many are obese despite not getting any grain in about a year:

 But Rosella needs to be inseminated again and Scarlett needs to be separated from her calf so that I can tattoo the calf. Both jobs require that I get the herd to start coming into the barn again - and that means luring them with grain:

 The day before calving, Scarlett was lying down in the shade and her udder was huge:

Rosella is looking fit and ready to become pregnant for next year:

 These girls live a life of comfort and ease:

 The fly population is their only discomfort, and that will end soon - with the first killing frost:

 This is the view from the county road, what most people see as they drive by:

When Ruby was born, her mother kept her hidden most of the time (you can see her in the grass behind Scarlett):

 But little Ruby has grown bigger, stronger and bolder. Winston wants to hang out with her, but so far she hasn't been interested:

 But she sure is a beauty. Now I need to get her ears tattooed so I can register her:

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