
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Dogs And Cats, Living The Good Life

The kitchen corner is the favored spot for comfortable napping. This collection of pets included Fergus, Clover, Daphne and Seamus:

 Seamus watched me from behind the Daylilies. Clover was farther back, by the small maple tree:

 Daisy may be the most personable cat I've ever had. She is my shadow, and I have to be careful not to trip over her:

 A comfortable, cool, sunny day in the dog yard with Fergus, Clover and Daphne. You can see that their lawn was just mowed - and so was the north field across the gravel road:

Jack on his ramp, shaded by the Rugosa roses:

 The dogs watching me from behind the sunflowers:

 Caspar and Seamus, best buddies:

 Afternoon, when the house and cedar tree cast shadows on the dog yard:

Clover, Daphne and Fergus (wearing his absorbent belly-belt) on the big, green floor pillow:

 Sammy has never been trusting or friendly, but he was happy in his home. All was well until he was about 15 months old. Then he began spraying stinky urine all over the house and humping the other cats. His adoption papers said the vet concluded he must already have been neutered, even though he was a kitten at the time. Of course he turned out to be a cryptorchid, with undescended testicles. The shelter declined any help, so I paid my vet to operate on him. Then he got badly infected and sick. But he's now fine, and his personality has undergone a miraculous transformation. He's now calm, friendly and playful. He uses the litter box and does not stink. He's a happy boy:


  1. Bless you for persevering with Sammy, Bill.
    I so enjoy seeing your furry family doing so well with each other.


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