
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Little Snow Horses

Blue and Remy hang out with their much bigger cow friends, even sleeping outdoors with them most nights even though they could sleep in the barn:

Blue is not afraid of the cows at the bale feeder:

And neither is Remy:

Both little guys do come into the barn sometimes, though, and I make sure to give them lots of attention when they are in there:

One day I found Remy, standing still and surrounded by ice and cold water. I recognized his panting as a sign of stress, so I walked to him, took him by the halter and led him back to the barn via the safest route I could find. I think he wandered out there and then realized how dangerous it was - but didn't know how to extricate himself:

The east side of the barn only gets morning sun, so all the herd luxuriates for half a day, at least when the clouds have dissipated:

The horsey boys don't get much grain anymore, but Blue's belly is still pretty big:

Remy is in fine shape, and he seems to know it. He's less playful now than he used to be, but more lovable:

Remy even loves his cow friends:

And how could I not pet and kiss a face like this?

Both Blue and Remy stick together most of the time:

And even when they're apart, they usually don't go too far:

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