
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Dogs And Cats And Guinea Pigs

All four cats love the big cat tree at the top of the stairs. It is just outside my bedroom door and they usually wait there for me to emerge. I try to always pet them as I go by:

Little Caspar is plenty playful and loves his belly rubbed:

Seamus, Fergus and Bugsy often hang out together on the yoga mat closest to my computer chair:

And sometimes Daphne joins them:

Both Fergus and Seamus had grown so much hair that their faces were barely discernible. After Fergus bumped into my leg a couple times, I gave his face a haircut:

Seamus got one too, exposing his intelligent, loving face:

I was on my way to bed, accompanied by the dogs, when I snapped his photo. Seamus and Bugsy were still on the stairs at the time:

Each morning I have to sweep the floors and tumble the fleecy dog beds in the dryer. Caspar has learned that he can get a heated, vibrating massage by lying on the dryer while it's running:

Eek! There are ghosts in my kitchen! This blue dog bed was moving mysteriously across the floor:

But of course it was only Caspar, acting silly:

Bugsy, Sammy and Caspar at the community cat food dispenser (up where the dogs can't reach it):

Ruby and Meghan, along with the house plants and fish, are the reason the cats can't come into my bedroom. Both guinea pigs are healthy and happy. Meghan has lost weight and her excess thirst, so I think her diabetes was nipped in the bud:

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