
Monday, May 7, 2018

Remy And Blue

Remy and Blue seem exceptionally happy and healthy this spring:

They are both shedding their winter coats, but it is more obvious on Blue because he appears to be turning from black to brown:

Remy has remained the same color, but seems to be losing weight as he sheds excess hair:

Both little horses spend their days, rain or shine, searching the very short grass as is begins to grow. Apparently  they are finding enough to eat, though they also have plenty of hay and daily grain, just in case:

The cattle began following Blue and Remy out into the field, the whole herd searching for edible green grass:

Remy is still as friendly as ever but seems preoccupied lately:

Are you talkin' about me?

They are so focused on greening grass that it's nearly impossible for me to get a photo of them with their heads up:

I have quite a lot of hay left over, but can feed it out next fall:

They haven't seemed to itch all winter long, but they are beginning to scratch their butts on the old fence again. I don't think the biting flies have started yet, but perhaps their shedding coats cause them to want to scratch:

Blue seems to have become even sweeter over the winter. He's still slow and shy, but loves affection:

And Remy is still playful and mischievous. I can often spot his desire to cause trouble by the look on his face. This would be an example:


  1. Both little horses are so very cute! I bet they have a lot of admirers. Not being related to those dear horses, but if I may, I'd like to give a nice welcome to the New York Mets who will be hosted by the Cincinnati Reds tonight. Best of luck to both teams! From Ohio

    1. Thanks. They sure are well behaved little horses - most of time. They've been raised almost like dogs, so I guess that makes them good pets.


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