
Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Around The Farm

Our much delayed springtime has now burst upon us with dramatic force. The fantail pigeons are scrambling for nesting material:

Males are pairing up with females and fighting with other males:

A pair of white doves (pigeons) is indeed a peaceful scene:

The pigeons haven't shown much interest in going outdoors but I still wanted to open the window for fresh air. I worried, however, about foxes and hawks getting in so I now prop a baby gate in the window. As for the smaller, lower chicken gate, I have blocked that with a nailed board to keep out predators:

I bought this at Walmart because I wanted to grow an Oriental Poppy like my mother used to have. Alas, when I opened the package, I found two tiny, dried out sticks no bigger than a wooden kitchen match. I planted them but have little hope of them growing. I'll check our local nursery for already started plants:

In March, a woman at church asked if I could find her some Pussy Willows. I couldn't identify them then, but they are looking pretty obvious now. Furthermore, they're right along the road on my own property. Well, next year I'll know where to find them:

Blue and two cows searched the south field for edible greenery:

The little hens still want to go outdoors, but I don't dare let them because of our bold and numerous foxes:

"Foxes? I ain't afraid of no fox."   ---   Indeed, that is the problem:

The Easter Egger bantams are laying nicely this spring:

And two of them seem inclined to be broody, wanting to sit on their eggs:

A couple of the Barred Rock bantams hatched eggs but panicked when the eggs hatched and tried to kill the chicks. I rescued about five of the chicks and some of these hens are probably from that time:

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