
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Red Poll Girls In Autumn

Autumn sometimes feels more like winter, yet still there are some sunny days when Little Pearl gets to nibble green grass. There will be many such days this week as we are having a lovely Indian Summer:

And the cattle get to eat daily feedings of apples, as they have for many weeks. Eventually the unfrozen, un-rotten supply will run out. I estimate another ten days of afternoon apple feasts:

Gladys has become very tame because she gets personal feedings of grain every morning:

Loretta is more standoffish, but her mom is tame and friendly, so I'm sure she will be also:

I moved the cattle into the north field for a few days after it had been hayed. Gracie thought that was wonderful, because the hay balers had left plenty for her to eat:

They all grazed happily in the north field:

The dirt road runs right along this field and I see people stop to watch my cattle as they drive by:

Jasmine and her calf, Merlin, stopped at the stock tank for a drink of cool, clean water:

Annie, this year's first calf, is no longer petite. She's grown into a hefty heifer, already an estimated 792 pounds:

"Don't make fun of my weight!"

Loretta, nursing from her mom, Amy. This gives some perspective as to how rapidly they've grown:

Our early cold and snow forced me to begin giving the girls baled hay in mid-October. Of course they were overjoyed, but I worry about having enough hay to get through the winter:

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