
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Southville State Forest - Part 3

The dogs and I had hiked down to the St. Regis River in the Southville State Forest and were on our way back to our car:

Seamus saw or heard something high up in a tree:

And then we continued on. It was easy walking, a requirement these days because of my leg braces:

Exquisite scenery and happy dogs. Yes, Daphne was taking a pee when I snapped this photo, but it was too nice not to use:

We continued on toward our car. I tried to get the dogs to pose for a photo near that fallen log, but they couldn't hold still long enough and I gave up:

Through golden woodlands:

And scenic trails:

Happy dogs, sniffing along a mossy forest floor:

I knew that we were almost back to our car:

This thick stand of evergreens, I knew, meant that our car was just ahead, up where you see that patch of sunlight:

And indeed it was. The happy dogs ran to it and then, because I was taking too long to catch up, began sniffing all around:

I called them all back into the car and we began our drive home, a journey which included a trip across the bridge over the St. Regis River we'd just visited. Somewhere down there is where we'd just been:

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