
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hewittville, New York - Part 1

I shared a bit about my busy Monday in and around Potsdam in yesterday's post, but here's a little side trip I took during that day. I had to cross the Raquette River which runs south to north parallel to Route 56. I could have driven south into downtown Potsdam but decided instead to take smaller roads through the hamlet of Hewittville where there was also a small bridge:

First, I crossed the lovely Raquette River, stopping in the middle of the bridge to admire the view:

Hewittsville is within the town of Potsdam, but a distinct hamlet - and a very attractive, pleasant hamlet it turned out to be:

This house was well constructed with a massive, two tiered porch:

Although quite close to the citified parts of Potsdam, Hewittsville seemed rural and slow paced:

There were fine old homes which were most likely the center of active farms not too long ago:

This unique home seemed to have had several additions and I found it altogether pleasant and inviting, probably because it reminded me of a home from my childhood:

Many homes were on the shores of the Raquette River:

And Hewittville seemed to combine the best of country living with immediate access to the city:

I found this home curious, almost as if it had been constructed to be a church. Either way, it was nicely situated and designed for energy efficiency:

This home was fun. In addition to all the stuff on the outside of it, there were lots of windows:

Here's that same house from the other side. When I said lots of windows, I wasn't just kidding. If I remember correctly, the windows were filled with lots of plants. But there was still more to Hewittsville and I'll post more tomorrow:

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